A wide range of activities helped embed the values
Southampton FC have considered the employee journey through the business and how the values and strategic vision would relate.
Recruitment and induction was a key priority. Values based competency questions would be used at interview and a two day induction programme was developed which included values based activities and videos demonstrating what each of the values mean and how they can be embedded into your everyday working life at the club.
Southampton FC developed behaviours based on the values, and a process for evaluating performance against them, both at the end of employees’ probation period, then during ongoing PDRs, which also include clear objectives which had to link to the contribution to the building blocks of the strategic vision.
Senior leaders launched the strategic vision to the entire staff group. Talks, staff meetings and the ‘Team Talk’ weekly newsletter (now an intranet called ‘Team Talk Live’) are all organised around the five values and the mission of developing Potential into Excellence to achieve the overall vision of the Club.
In 2017, the Staff Academy was launched –a brand that promotes staff development and progression. A comprehensive skills, knowledge and behaviour training calendar includes the 2-day induction, but also people management, recruitment & selection, equality & diversity, communication and mental health workshops for staff and managers – all developed and delivered with the values in mind.